Tuesday 23 March 2021

Mental Health and Personality Disorder

Mental Health and Personality Disorder

mental health and personality disorder


What Is Personality Disorder?


What does personality disorder mean? In fact, the identity of a person is due to his own separate personality. Every person has his own personality. But when a person's way of thinking and behavior is different from normal people, he insists on being persistent in everything he does or talks impractically, then it can be a symptom of personality disorder. The personality disorder patient feels difficulty in understanding the situation and the person. Because of this, he has difficulty in pursuing his relationships, working in school and office, participating in social activities. In some cases, it has been observed that the patient is a patient with personality disorder and does not realize this. He troubles his life It takes other people to be held responsible. Diseases generally related to personality disorder occur in adolescence or early stage of puberty. There are several types of personality disorder.

Types of Personality Disorder


The type of personality disorder is generally divided into three categories


Symptoms of a Personality Disorder


Paranoid disorders (Paranoid personality disorder)


·         Always doubting the purpose of others

·         Always think whether another person wants to harm you or cheat you.

·         Always doubting credible people

·         Fear of not being able to trust others and believe that someone can use your given information against you

·         Tendency to hold anger

·         Unlawful suspicion on your spouse

Symptoms of schizoid personality disorder (Schizoid personality disorder)


·         Lack of interest in social or personal relationships and preferring to be alone

·         Lack of emotional expression

·         Not having fun in most activities

·         Being unable to understand common signs

·         To be indifferent to others

Skijotipl Personality Disorder (Schizotypal personality disorder)


·         Strange living, thinking, conversation or behavior

·         Experiencing strange things like hearing whispers of your name

·         Flat feelings or inappropriate emotional reactions

·         Suffering from social anxiety and feeling uncomfortable meeting your close ones.

·         To react unnatural or suspicious towards others

·         To think that you can easily attract others with your words

·         To believe that a message was hidden to you in some events

Cluster B Personality Disorder (Cluster B personality disorders)


Patients with this disease behaves dramatically, emotionally and unexpectedly. This includes patient antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.

·         Antisocial personality disorder

·         Not respecting the feelings and needs of others

·         Lying continuously, stealing, spoiling names

·         Repeated violation of the rights of others

·         Furious and aggressive behavior

·         To behave neglectfully towards the safety of oneself or others

·         To be constantly irresponsible

·         Do not regret your wrongdoing

Borderline personality disorder (Borderline personality disorder)


·         Performing risky behaviors such as establishing unprotected sex, gambling or eating extra food

·         Unstable self-image

·         Unstable relationship

·         Constantly changing mood, often under stress

·         Suicidal behavior and self-harm

·         Fear of being alone

·         Feeling emptiness

·         Always being angry

·         Feeling stressed again and again

Histerian personality disorder (Histrionic personality disorder)


·         Wanting to be constantly noticed

·         Highly emotional, dramatically attention-grabbing

·         Dramatically giving strong opinions, but stepping back because of the facts

·         To be easily influenced by others

·         A rapid change in emotions

·         To be extra conscious of your look

·         Feeling closer to others when in reality they're personal relationships are not so close


Narsisistik personality disorders (Narcissistic personality disorder)


·         To believe that you are more important than others

·         Imagining power, success and being attractive

·         Being unable to understand the needs and wants of others

·         Speak up your achievements and skills

·         Expect encouragement from others all the time

·         To be angry

·         Expecting impractical from others and often taking advantage of others

·         Feeling jealous of others, assuming that they are jealous of you

Cluster C Personality disorder (Cluster C personality disorders)


Patients with this disease often have anxiety or fearful thoughts or behave like this. This includes avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive personality disorder.


Avoidant (or anxious) personality disorder


·         Being extra sensitive to disinformation

·         Always feeling inferior and unattractive

·         Stay away from works that require personal contact

·         Stay away from new activities and strangers, away from social harmony

·         Feeling ashamed of social situations and personal relationships

·         Always afraid of being rejected by others


Dependent Personality Disorder (Dependent personality disorder)


·         Being too extra dependent on others and wanting to be bothered by others all the time

·         Be abusive towards others

·         The fear of being left alone behind and the fear of taking care of yourself when left alone

·         Lack of confidence , need of suggestion at all times and opinions of others to be convinced on small decisions

·         Due to lack of confidence, fear of not starting a new project on its own

·         Do not disagree with other people

·         Do not take any concrete steps or tolerate such behavior in case of being humiliated or neglected

·         despite having other options

·         As soon as a close relationship ends, immediately feel the need for a new relationship


Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (Obsessive compulsive personality disorder)


·         Wanting to be extra perfect. As a result, being tense for not having the desired work like feeling unsupported by not completing the office project on time

·         Stay in control of people, situations

·         Showing so much commitment to office work, getting away from friends

·         Unable to throw broken or useless things

·         To be stubborn about things

·         Be sensitive to your moral values

·         Spending and sticking to your created budget in every situation

·         Keep in mind that Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is different from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder type of anxiety disorder


Causes of Personality Disorder / Causes of Personality Disorder


Personality consists of thoughts, feelings and behavior, which makes every person different. It is a way of understanding and knowing the world. Also, how you see yourself, your personality also shows. Personality usually starts from childhood and is influenced by the changes in life.

Some of the qualities associated with your jeans - personality, you probably get from your parents. It is usually genetic. It is sometimes called temperament.

Surrounding Environment - Under this, you know what kind of environment you have grown up in and what kind of incidents have happened in relationship, family and family.

Experts believe that personality disorder is influenced by environmental and genetic factors. The circumstances of life can accelerate its actual development.

Factors of Personality Disorder


Although the factors of personality disorder have not been detected so far, there are some factors that can be attributed to the development of personality disorder. It has the following factors:

Someone with a personality disorder or some other mental disorder first in the family

·         Family instability in childhood

·         Treatment of behavioral illness in childhood

·         Brain structure changes

Risk (Risk factors of personality disorder)


Risk factors should be known to prevent personality disorders. Personality disorder can affect not only the patient but also the person caring for him. Therefore, people who take care of such patients also need to be extra vigilant. There may be a risk of relationship-relatedness, problems with office work, and fear of being socially alone when a personality disorder occurs. Apart from this, the possibility of drug addiction also increases.


The above article has been given for the information and information of the readers. We try to make every article complete and accurate and all possible measures have been taken for this. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of this article. Before taking any advice, suggestions for personal health, be sure to seek medical advice.

Monday 22 February 2021

Why is mental health important?

Why is mental health important?

What is mental health?


Why is Mental health important

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual can realize their own potential and cope with normal life situations and the stress they generate. In particular, a person in good mental health can contribute to their community and work productively. Mental health is therefore a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and is not simply the absence of mental disorders.

Good mental health enables individuals to


·         Realize their full potential

·         Face the stresses of life

·         Work productively

·         Make meaningful contributions to their communities


There are several ways to maintain good mental health


Have positive and meaningful connections with other people

·         Be physically active

·         Help others

·         Get enough sleep

·         Have a healthy diet

Develop coping and stress management skills


·         To laugh

·         Take the time to do fun activities

·         Get professional help if needed

It is normal for the quality of our mental health to fluctuate throughout life. Feeling more depressed in the winter or being distressed after a romantic break-up is normal and healthy fluctuations in mental health. When an individual faces such difficulties or experiences stress that overwhelms their coping skills, they can develop a mental health disorder.

"Mental health is therefore the result of this balance between the stress - financial, relational, professional, etc. - experienced by an individual and their capacities to cope with it."

The Importance of Mental Health

Good mental health means appreciating your accomplishments and accepting your shortcomings. Students with mental problems isolate themselves socially and develop anxiety disorders and concentration problems. Mental illness interferes with your ability to perform routine tasks, foster healthy relationships, or cope with anger or stress.

The proverb says: “good in his head, good in his body”. Those who are in good mental health esteem themselves well, they are comfortable, happy, they take care of their body, they exercise, they avoid everything that is harmful to their health, they know what is good. Eat and what is bad, he takes care of his cleanliness, his look, cultivates himself, heals himself, relaxes, and rests.

If you are not well in your head, your body will suffer the consequences in different ways.

Stress is the first enemy and one of the leading causes of death (heart attack, AVCS, etc.). It causes ulcers, tension, breathing problems (like coughing), etc.

Depression is also a big problem. You eat too much or lose your appetite. You also lose the desire to take care of yourself and your place of life so your physical state will gradually deteriorate. You can also fall into alcoholism or other addictions to compensate.

There are also other mental disorders (OCD, anorexia / bulimia, etc.) which have a direct impact on health either because people take actions that physically injure them (external injuries), or their actions will generate harm. significant damage to internal organs.

Ten ways to improve your mental health


·         Healthy mental health: a balanced life

·         It doesn't take much to awaken hope

·         Foster the establishment of healthy and positive relationships.

·         Have a good sense of humor. Laughter is indeed very good for mental health!

·         Do only one thing at a time. Learn to take full advantage of the present moment.

·         Do not neglect your hobbies. They help keep the brain active!

·         Volunteer in your community. Volunteering is beneficial to the community and helps improve well-being.

·         Set realistic goals; reaching them gives confidence and a sense of satisfaction.

·         Stay active. Physical activity contributes to psychological well-being as well as to the reduction of depression, stress and anxiety.

·         Take a few minutes each day to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and detach yourself from your surroundings. It helps lower blood pressure and calms the mind.

"Collect" the beautiful moments. Remember happy moments, comfort, inner peace, or any other positive moment.

Make a list of three things to be thankful for each day. Gratitude strengthens the immune system.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Types Of Mental Health Problems

Types of Mental Health Problems 

types of mental health problems

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as,

"a state of well-being that enables everyone to recognize their own capacities, to achieve fulfillment, to overcome the normal tensions of life, to perform productive work. According to this definition, being in good mental health is therefore not just about not having an illness.''

Mental illness is defined by changes that affect thinking, mood ' or behavior of a person and causing him distress or suffering. Mental illness manifests itself by:

             Signs of change, which those around you can observe in the behavior of the affected person;

             Symptoms, which the person feels.

For example, relatives of an affected person may notice that they are isolating themselves. The affected person, on the other hand, may have difficulty concentrating, or feel sad or anxious.

The health care professional or doctor considers all the signs and symptoms to assess the person's condition and make a diagnosis.

Types of Mental Health Problems


The most famous mental illnesses are:

·         Anxiety disorders

·         Phobia

·         Generalized anxiety

·         Panic disorder and agoraphobia

·         Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

·         Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

·         Mood disorders

·         Depression

·         Bipolar disorders

·         Psychotic disorders

·         Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

There are also other types of mental illnesses, for example, eating disorders.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of mental illness can be more or less intense. Their intensity varies according to:

·         The type of mental illness

·         The personality of the affected person

·         The ties and relationships of the person with his family and his entourage;

·         Social and economic factors such as living environment and financial capacities, etc.

Here are some signs of behavior change that people around a person with mental illness may see:

·         Isolation

·         Drug or alcohol abuse

·         Stopping the medication

·         Disorganization is to say a major difficulty in organizing and functioning normally. The person may lack judgment or have strange ideas;

·         Memory loss

·         Difficulty taking care of family, professional and social obligations.

Here are some of the common symptoms that an affected person may experience:

·         Loss of appetite;

·         Insomnia;

·         Nausea;

·         Dizziness;

·         Sadness;

·         Euphoria (state of great excitement);

·         Difficulty concentrating

When to consult

Do not wait until you have become unable to do your usual activities to consult resources for help or information. Do not hesitate to do this, even if you are not sure you need it. Unfortunately, many people wait until they are in an emergency before seeking help. Here are some clues that may indicate you should consult:

Your symptoms have been going on for a while;

Your anxiety attacks are repeated;

You are in distress;

You feel that the comfort of those close to you is no longer enough for you;

You start to have difficulty with your daily activities;

People around you see that you need help and tell you.

Remember that psychological suffering is often accompanied by physical symptoms. These symptoms often have the effect of reducing the ability to adapt to everyday situations. Pay attention to these symptoms and don't hesitate to seek help.

Types of Mental Health Treatments


There are recognized treatments available to treat mental illness or relieve its symptoms. Treatments allow people with the disease to regain control over their lives and daily activities. The earlier the sufferer consults, the better their chances of recovery.

In the majority of cases, mental illness is treated very effectively with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of these 2 treatments.

Recommendations For Taking Medication

If your doctor prescribes medication for you, you must take it carefully as directed.

Even if you feel better, you should continue the treatment as prescribed to prevent your symptoms from reoccurring.

If you have any unwanted side effects from the medications, see your pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible to discuss them. If necessary, your doctor may adjust your medication or recommend another medication.


People with mental illness sometimes develop problems with excessive alcohol or drug use or dependence on these substances.

People who have both a mental illness and an addiction are at greater risk

·         Not to benefit from the positive effects of their treatments

·         To be hospitalized

·         Experience social difficulties, for example homelessness, violence, or problems with the law

·         Having suicidal thoughts or behavior


Risk factors

The exact causes of each mental illness are not known. The result from a combination of several factors that can promote the development of a mental illness, for example

·         Heredity, that is, whether other members of the family have or have had mental illnesses


·         Biological factors, which modify the chemical balance of the brain (prolonged state of stress, consumption of substances, etc.)

·         Characteristics of the person's temperament, for example low self-esteem, difficulty adapting to different life situations

·         Chronic diseases or physical health problems, for example cancer, diseases affecting the thyroid gland, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases

The presence of stressors in the person's life, which may be related

·         Their family environment (examples: the death of a loved one, a childhood marked by abuse, domestic violence, frequent exposure to conflict);

·         Their social environment (examples: homelessness, isolation);

·         Their professional or financial environment (examples: job loss, low income);

·         The addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling and money

People at risk

Some people are more likely to have a mental illness

·         Children and adolescents who have had difficult family experiences or who are exposed to violence at school

·         People who take care of a family alone

·         People who have experienced sexual assault or domestic violence

·         Adults who do not work or lose their jobs

·         Low-income people

·         Elderly people alone or with a loss of autonomy

·         Children who have or have had a mental illness are more likely to have social or other health problems when they are adults.

Monday 29 June 2020

The World after Covid 19 most possible future/mental health blog

The world after covid 19 most possible future

The World after Covid 19 most possible future mental health blog

I am doubting these days what is our future look like after covid19 for specially our loved ones. Everyone is worried about the job what will happen to job, what if I lost the job these are the questions wondering in my mind what is the world look like after covid19?

There are many possible future and it’s basically depends on how the world will acts after it. Optimistically governments and societies will act in constructive ways and this crisis will lead to re-establish the world and produce something productive and better for humanity but may be the world slide into something worse.
The responses to the epidemic are simply the extension of the vibrant that energies additional public and ecological disasters the prioritising of one type of value over others. This dynamic has frolicked a large part in powerful global responses to recent coronavirus. So as retorts to the virus progress, how might our economic futures grow?
Have you experience fear last few days and weeks? Pretty sure you have. The stock market has dropped, people lost the jobs, some people are infected, and don’t know how to get over it or how long this situation is remain. In the mean stream, lot of unexpected stuff will happen.
An economic view, there are four potential outlooks: a descent into brutality, stout state capitalism, deep-seated state socialism, and a revolution into a big society erected on joint aid. Forms of all of these futures are seamlessly possible, may be not similarly desirable.
An economic recession is at our door step, and issues with health system are rising—and these are some of expectable things. If the virus hit the poor part of the world, the crumbly states crushing, and multi-lateral states like the European Union powerless to support the pressure. The most of  the democracies are challenged , even the great country like USA get affected ,Speaking of challenges to democracy, there are actors whose longings and goals are very different from our own, and this could be a instant of chance for them.
The new world could be more different, trends are already in motion and hit the fast-forward button. Virtualization of future, accomplishments, and collaborations. Mechanisation of processes and services. Political and economic decentralization.
One thing we have learn after it and we are thinking the response to first sign of the outbreak. What if, three months ago, and at the first signs of the outbreak global surveillance systems respond to correctly, an international emergency team led by the World Health Organization had immediately evacuate the Wuhan?
There is required a global system to re-invigorate that can engage people across dissimilarities and across countries. The enunciating our long-term visualisation now so that we can assess everything against that standard. But that doesn’t mean all is bad but there some positive aspects like he UN sustainable development goals, call for gender equality, no poverty, no hunger, decent work, climate action, and justice (among other goals) around the world.
The problem only exists because lack of institutions to implements the principles. Nobody will help us to resolve this we are on our own and it’s our responsibility.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Anger management at workplace

Anger Management At Workplace

Anger management at workplace mental health blog

“Welcome to our organization”, “you are lucky that you become part of this wonderful “organization”, “what brings you to our doorstep for job?”, “we are among all on account of pay scale”, “and you need not to worry now on about your career boost any more”.

This type or similar quotes a newly employed person usually have to listen during his/her job starting days on new workplace, he/she have to asked by his/her supervisors/ seniors that he/she might face problems with protocols, rules and regulation which may be seem or felt weird to him/her but for maintaining discipline, production and punctuality, these rules are necessary and one who oppose his/her supervisors or managers regarding these matter should not go through probation period who usually given a year from joining date!
There is nothing to worry and all seems good for a fresher, but for an experienced person, as such protocol voices only made to make your ears deaf and eyes sightless for the things which shaped and sparkled like rising moon in the dark night on the sky, for sure.

As days goes, one can start understanding that all clauses are against worker but for supervisors/managers and usually all these clauses used against those who resist or try to be trendsetter. In such circumstances, office environment, full of opposition, after doing all given tasks/ duties, performance level maintaining when you hear bad remarks by your managers/ supervisors it’s really hard not to react but keeping all things in mind that this will harm only your job not theirs, any such retaliation back to management by you will result in your termination, promotion delays etc. you have to carry on and performing your job with same temperament is called ANGER MANAGEMENT.

Are you the only victim of such behavior? No, for sure not but an organ of our unfortunate system who protects you but with very complicated labor laws in conjunction with company’s laws and mostly a worker against bullying, in equality and favoritism loose righteous battle because on lunch table he got company and support but on the way to management office, he/she alone have to knock the door and face what comes after, definitely. One very common sentence you usually hear from your supervisor/manager, “the employee before you done better than you, you are wasting time, your adaptability and interpersonal relationships are not good as he/she had”, answer you had that if he/she was as good as you awarding appreciations  now then why you lose him? Why you terminated him/her? But you know that “boss is always right” makes you repeat what others say that “okay sir, I will try harder”.
Anger management at work place mental health blog

It’s a job’s universal truth that if you have computer brain, full knowledge of labor laws, consistency, zero error in field and filed work then you can stand against inequalities occurred by your management, otherwise and in mostly cases, you have to compromise and have to ignore because the job in your hand generated money in your pocket for you and your family daily expenses, most probably this is the naked truth who leads you to compromise. This type of compromises are also type of anger management when you and majority of your coworkers acknowledged that you are on right, but still you have to bow down in front of management.

Anger management isn’t a tool for work place only or only specific with one or two interactive places as well. As far as this terminology is concerned, one can have to handle his nerves in all races of life. In school, colleges, at home and in work places too. If you have to visit hospital or police station, you have to manage your anger there; otherwise you have to put yourself in more complications. So being intellectual, saying only that I can do anger management is so easy but in reality, you need to know the meaning of compromise, give up and bow down even when you are sure about your stance.

#mentalhealthmater #mentalhealthawareness #angermanagement

Mental Health and Personality Disorder

Mental Health and Personality Disorder mental health and personality disorder   What Is Personality Disorder?   What does personalit...